Sunday, April 4, 2010

Junk Drawers

Day 4: I kind of combined today's prompts from and the Writing Vein Playground blog for this one. Wish I had more time to spend on these, but here's a start:

Junk Drawers

I keep many things I don’t have to.

The plastic ring the first boy I liked

won me at the school carnival.

The cowrie shell-covered change purse

where I stored perfume samples

that came with my mother’s Christmas gifts,

amber ampules of elegance.

The first bankbook I ever had,

when $314 seemed enough for college.

I keep the compliments

from the Christmas party

when I wore the red velvet dress.

The words he whispered to me

before I drove away the last time.

The wind on my face

on the swing in that deserted park,

when nothing was certain

except the grace of falling leaves.

Empty out my junk drawers

and you empty out me.

1 comment:

  1. I empathise with this...all these objects are little journals and have value.Love the last 2 lines. Good one
