Friday, April 30, 2010

Last day of April poems and thank you!

Day 30: I cannot believe it's here! Today is a free day to write on whatever we want. I just want to thank everyone who read and commented on my work. Your support gave me the push I needed to complete this challenge. Thanks to Poetic Asides and Writing Vein Playground and most especially to Read Write Poem for the various prompts. This has been a month to remember and I hope to keep poeming from time to time on this blog. A special thanks to National Poetry Month for making April such a magical time(:

A few poems today--the first loosely based on the RWP perfection prompt:

Perfect Insomnia

In the darkest hours of morning
those yet to be born
whisper in your beloved's breaths.
You count how many times
your heart beats
between the plaintive queries
of an owl.
A far off train's call takes you back
to wide awake childhood nights
safe under soft heavy blankets
watching the shadows
of passing cars on the wall.
You amble among more memories
as though on a walk in the woods,
finding daisies and bird feathers,
arrowheads and volcanic glass.
Seeing the clock numbers change
is like being able to time your wishes
to falling stars.
Your eyes do not feel heavy
until sunlight pierces
the slit between the curtains.
Only then do you surrender
to dreams.

And a haiku:

At the Museum

Cracked clay bowls, knives, combs
Still speak of people long gone
Dust under our feet

A cleave:


Looking back I hear
So many words
magical spells whispered
being softly
awoken spoken
invoked truth

And an acrostic:


Thirty days of poetry cannot begin to say
How fun it's been to write and play
All of April has gone so fast
Now it's time to wrap up this last
Kick the cobwebs off the book
So farewell Napowrimo, so glad you took!


  1. So many poems and all good
    I love the insomniac poem. Great images and sounds. The far away train whistle,the car shadows on the wall,the soft blankets and the sun
    shining throught the slit in the curtains paint a beautiful word picture.

  2. yes. enjoyed the sunlight
    and the imagery
    of sleeplessness
